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Weight Bearing Brace Rom Exercises

phase I

0-2 weeks

Partial weight bearing with crutches***

Locked in full extension for sleeping and all activity*

Off for exercises and hygiene

0-90° when non-weight bearing

Heel slides, quad sets, patellar mobs, SLR, SAQ***

No weight bearing with flexison >90°

phase II

2-8 weeks

2-4 weeks: 50% WB with crutches

4-8 weeks: Progress to full WB

2-6 weeks: Unlocked 0-90°

Off at night

Discontinue brace at 6 weeks

As tolerated

Addition of heel raises, total gym (closed chain), terminal knee extensions***

Activities w/brace until 6 weeks; then w/o brace as tolerated

No weight bearing with flexison >90°

phase III

8-12 weeks




Progress closed chain activities

Begin hamstring work, lunges/leg press 0-90°, proprioception excercises, balance/core/hip/glutes

Begin stationary bike

phase IV

12-20 weeks




Progress Phase III Exercises and functional activities: single leg balance, core glutes, eccentric hamstrings, elliptical and bike

Swimming okay at 16 wks

phase V

> 20 weeks




Advance to sport specific drills and running/jumping once cleared by MD

Other Knee Rehabilitation Protocols

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Ryan Ranch 12 Upper Ragsdale Drive Monterey, CA 93940

  • Practice Hours: 8am-5pm M-F
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